Create your own local community of freelancers, small business owners, solopreneurs, and creatives.
We’ve got the blueprint, all that’s missing is you. Simply book a table, turn up and greet people!
We will:
- Host the event on our website
- Create an event listing page for your location and get things going for you
- Do some marketing of the event throughout our networks
- Communicate and liaise with attendees as appropriate
- Pick a date & time
- (Our meetups are during work hours to promote slowing down and taking time out from work. This isn’t for everyone.)
- Find and book a local venue
- Add events as you go, with the option to send newsletters
- Turn up and enjoy your growing community!
- What do I do as a host?
- Can I invite my network too?
- How many people turn up to these events?
- Why the size cap?
- Do you have signage that I can use?
- What if someone who hasn’t registered turns up?
Ready to get started?